Monday, December 20, 2010

Makatib - A Necessary institution

Islamic education is concerned not only with the instruction and training of the mind and the transmission of knowledge (ta`lim) but also with the education of the whole being of men and women (tarbiyah). The teacher is therefore not only a muallim, a 'transmitter of knowledge' but also a murabbi, a 'trainer of souls and personalities'. "The Islamic educational system never divorced the training of the mind from that of the soul." Islamic education ideally aims to provide a milieu for the total and balanced development of every student in every sphere of learning - spiritual, moral, imaginative, intellectual, cultural, aesthetic, emotional and physical - directing all these aspects towards the attainment of a conscious relationship with God, the ultimate purpose of man's life on earth

The greatest investment that any community can make is to invest in their children. Our children are our future. If we invest in today’s children and develop them into people who are firm in their Imaan, who cherish human values much more than material wealth, who honour their parents and their elders and are generally an asset to society at large, then such an investment will earn tremendous returns and benefits for the entire Ummah.

The Maktab has always played a pivotal role in developing the children of the Ummah. By and large it is at the Maktab that the child is equipped with all the basics of Deen, the fundamentals that enable him to live and practice as a true Mu’min (believer).

In many communities where no Maktab education was provided, children grow up without any knowledge of even the fundamentals of Islaam. They are unable fulfil any of the tenets of deen nor do they have the correct aqaaid (beliefs). The Maktab education is essential in the life of every child so that he may become an upright Muslim.

The AlAnsaar Welfare Foundation is also primarily focused towards establishing makaatib in order to help in providing this essential need of the Ummah. Your duas for the acceptance of this humble effort is requested.

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